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People do extraordinary things with Revitalize Wellness.

Take a peek inside their world.

"My health looked good on the outside, however I felt terrible inside every day... it was really difficult because I have been so into the health and wellness for over a decade but I could just not figure out what to do... but after day one, I got all my energy back and it's stayed with me every single day now from the moment I wake up."

"I feed my dad at least a meal worth of pills every day. Which got me to think I needed to make a change so I'm not in the same spot with my kids... I want to do what I can to be the healthiest 90 year old and hopefully still able to do for myself and not need a lot of help."

"I was in a car accident and I injured my back pretty bad, and I had really, really bad inflammation and fluid in the back. I noticed immediately that that was starting to come down to the point that it was making it easier for me to get up, and sit down, to stoop down, to pick up things, and to interact at work... it was phenomenal, just seeing what I was seeing, just phenomenal for me."

"I have Celiac disease and I was diagnosed June of '21, and I was miserable. When I was diagnosed, my doctor didn't have the time to teach me about food, and eating, and lifestyle..."

"I was bloated, I couldn't sleep, I could barely function."

"I two short months... I feel like a totally different person... I got to see [my friends] over the July 4th holiday and they were amazed at how different I look and how much better I feel. They just knew, they could just tell."

"I was sleeping a lot, I was in depression, I was eating junk... just like not eating one day, [then] eating fast food... nothing very healthy for myself and I was just in this deep dark rut... some days I wouldn't even get out and it was just this monotonous thing over and over and over each day of just being there, I mean really in a depressed state."

"I feel a million times better... I don't have that sluggish feeling anymore, I feel alive, and I've dropped 17lbs, and I gave up soda completely, that was a big thing for me."

True wellness is within everyone's grasp, you just need the courage to commit to yourself.

“It almost felt like I was knee deep in the water and
couldn’t get out.”

“It’s only been 6 months and my life has flip flopped almost
I’m so happy that I found this program and I’m so happy
that it was so well planned out and so well guided and so adaptable to you
living your life outside of the plan.”

"Probably about twice a month I would be in the hospital for [my migraines]... I was basically bedridden for them."

"I have a lot of siblings under the age of six... I give my weekends to have 'me time' to spend it with them, but with my migraines I wasn't able to do that... it was like I was there, but not there."

"I noticed that I am slimming down, I used to have a lot of feet pain when I would get off of work, and my migraines... I haven't had them in a while!"

"I felt just uncomfortable with myself, not really good self-esteem, because I would get different comments you know that people perhaps thought that I was expecting, which I'm in my 50's so it was very uncomfortable for all when getting those kinds of comments."

"I don't have nearly the gut and intestinal issues that I had before... I actually got down to my goal weight... this has definitely created a lifestyle change for me that I can follow"

"It took the push, and I think that's what I needed, just a push and some guidance and then I took it from there - and I'm glad I did!"

"Robin's program got my life back. The only regret I have is that I didn't find this 30 years ago."

-Margo M.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Answers To Frequently Asked Questions

What is holistic nutrition, and how does it differ from traditional nutrition?

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Can holistic nutrition help with weight management?

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Do you work with specific dietary restrictions or food allergies?

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How long does it take to see results from holistic nutrition?

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Can holistic nutrition help with specific health conditions?

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How often should I schedule consultations with a holistic nutritionist?

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Contact Us

(916) 873-3608

930 Florin Rd, Ste 203, Sacramento CA 95831